Upload Your Data:

Upload your data as a tab-delimited file (.txt) or a comma-separated values file (.csv).

Select orientation for samples, i.e. sites (in rows or columns), and whether to use

column names / row names. Example data (samples in rows) is provided below:

             Heerz.tooya    Ba.humbugi    Aha.ha    Mini.mum
Sample1                0             1         1           0
Sample2                1             0         1           0
Sample3                0             0         1           0

Note that sample (site) names of environmental data must match sample (site) names of

community abundance data. In community data, feature names are designed to be species,

but can be any taxonomic level, or any other variable appropriate for your data analysis.

Please note that while supplementary data is not required to proceed, a grouping variable is used in most analyses.

Try Our Test Data:

Distribution of 82 species of Alpine plants (variables/columns) in 75 sites (samples/rows). Both columns and rows are labeled. (View Abundance Data Set) (View Environmental Data) (Choler, P.)
Barro Colorado Island tree species counts. Data consists of 217 species (variables/columns) and 50 1-hectare plots of land (sites/rows). Species are labeled, but land plots are not. (View Abundance Data Set) (View Environmental Data Set) (Harms KE, et al.)
Grass species counts in Dutch dune meadows. Abundance data consists of 30 species (variables/columns) and 20 plots of land (samples or sites/rows), where species are labeled, but sites are not. (View Abundance Data Set) (View Environmental Data Set) (Jongman R, et al.)
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